After Divorce
Parenting Coordinator Services
“I thought it would get easier to work with my ex spouse after the divorce. It’s worse! Will I ever be able to work with them so my children will be able to be ok?”
Sometimes it takes longer for people to heal after a divorce and the resentment lingers. When there are children involved this can mean that the divorced couple are still required to communicate. If the communication has deteriorated to a level that there is continued abusive texting or phone calls or bad mouthing each other to friends and family or even the children then there needs to be immediate intervention.
A parenting coordinator acts as the go between for all communication between the divorced couple. There are specific ground rules and boundaries that both parties agree to adhere to. The parenting coordinator will communicate all issues between the parties to include parenting time, moral decisions regarding the children, and financial issues. The parenting coordinator will also coach each party on ways they can improve their communication.
Because problems often occur at odd hours of the day or on weekends, the parenting coordinator is tethered to the couple 24/7 via phone and text. The individual get real time communication coaching this way and problems can be resolved with minimal delay. It is rare that a couple needs a parenting coordinator for more than 3 months. The cost is $750 each for 1 month of service.
If you are still struggling with communication with your ex spouse then this is a proven method to improve the communication and prevent further resentment and negativity from making things worse. Do not wait any longer to get this problem under control. You need it. Your kids DESERVE it.
Compete the questionnaire below and a Common Ground team member will contact you to discuss a strategy.