Unfortunately the dissolution of marriage happens. Nobody sets out in a marriage to get divorced but sometimes it does not work out and a couple separates. If you have children this separation can be very detrimental to them. Your children depend on both their mother and father to provide them with a wonderful life and a warm loving home. If you have been arguing in front of your children or causing any type of confrontation in your home then you may be harming your children emotionally or mentally. Your children do not deserve to be in the middle of your battles and you need to find a way to get them out of your fights so that they can grow up with a normal happy childhood. Divorce can be bad for children in many ways. The biggest way that divorce can hurt your children is because their sense of security will be gone.
A child may feel that their world is falling apart when their parents divorce. They may feel like they have to choose a side and betray the other parents. A child may feel that their home is no longer a place they want to be in because of the constant arguing that persists in it. Divorce can have a bad effect on children but you can help your children cope over time if you make that a priority. Not every child takes divorce in a bad way but you have to understand that it will be detrimental to your children in one way or another when youdivorce. They will have to learn to adjust to having two separate parents at two separate homes and not a single set of parents in one home anymore. Your children look to you to be their protector and comforter so getting a divorce is really going to rock their world.
If you are unsure about how to help your children through your divorce you may want to consider contacting a therapist to help your child understand what is happening. Starting therapy for your child now may help them in the long run understand why you and your spouse are getting a divorce. There are many great therapists out there that will know how to help your child go through this hard time. Make sure to put your child first through this process. You want to be sure to make it as easy for them as possible.
Protecting your children through a divorce can be tricky and you will need to pay close attnetion to your situation. It is a good idea to seek a divorce mediators advice and guidance to avoid the process from becoming ugly for your kids. Please contact us at Common Ground Divorce Mediation for a Free Consultation.