How to Co-Parent After Divorce


How to Co-Parent After Divorce

Co-parenting means both parents are going to work together to play an active role in the daily lives of their children.  Navigating how to co-parent after a Utah divorce can be a confusing process for many couples. Before couples begin setting “ground rules” for co-parenting, we recommend you consider the following three questions:

  1. How will you be involved in the life of your child or children?
  2. How will you model respectful behavior if you and your former spouse cannot get along?
  3. Can you get along with your former spouse well enough to manage co-parenting?

When the interactions between divorced parents is peaceful, children are able to grow and thrive knowing their parents are a still a "team" working together on their behalf. When parents choose to co-parent, children receive the following benefits:

  • Children of divorce develop a sense of stability when both parents are involved in their lives
  • Children of divorce can have relationships with both of parents.
  • Children of divorce are less likely to feel torn between two parents.
  • The children of divorce are less likely to feel they are abandoned.

The best way to navigate how to move forward with co-parenting is by setting clear boundaries and expectations for all parties involved with an experienced Utah divorce mediator.

At Common Ground, we're here to help. Contact us today for your free, one hour consultation.