How Much Child Support will I Get?


How Much Child Support will I Get?

The amount of child support you can expect to receive is dependent on several factors, including the state you live in. There are two basic methods of calculating child support payments, which include:



  • Calculated based on the amount of income that both parents receive.
  • Calculated based on the amount of income that the non-custodial parent receives.

The parent that provides the majority of the child or children’s day to day care is the one who will receive child supportpayments. While it is largely based on income there are some other considerations when the amount of child support is determined. Some of these other considerations include:

  • The custodial parent’s expenses.
  • Any special needs of the child or children.
  • If custody is shared such as on vacations or other times of the year.
  • How many children are being supported?
  • How much of the parents income is going to the child’s support and how much is going for basic living expenses.

Each state is required to review the guidelines they use to determine child support payments at least every four years. This ensures that standards are kept fair and in sync with the cost of living and custody arrangements.

Keep in mind, family law can be extremely complicated. Depending on the state where you live will determine the exact standards of how child support is calculated. Understanding these methods can help you be more prepared for the outcome of your case. Also, judges are allowed to adjust support amounts based on their own personal judgment. This can work both in as well as against you. Having a family attorney or a divorce mediator on your side will ensure that you are fully prepared for these situations and will be able to handle whatever is thrown your way. No matter if you are the payer or receiver, if there is any disagreement about child support amounts you should seek legal representation or divorce mediation services to ensure further complications do not occur.

To obtain a free child support calculation please  click here  and fill in the data in the fields to the right of the page. A divorce mediator will review your input and provide a child support calculation in the next 24 hours.