7 Reasons Why Divorce Mediation is Your Best Option


7 Reasons Why Divorce Mediation is Your Best Option

Common Ground Utah Divorce Mediation and Counseling offers a refreshing alternative to the usual contentious and expensive divorce. Our Utah divorce mediation services provide the opportunity for the divorcing couple to make their own decisions regarding parenting, the division of property, and other sensitive matters throughout the divorce process. Laying the groundwork with our divorce mediation services makes it easier to come to an agreement and also is a highly effective way to start as co-parents following the divorce.

Divorce Mediation: The Secret to a Better Divorce

During your divorce mediation, your experienced mediator remains neutral between the wife and husband and does not give advice or act as lawyer to either parties. Instead, your mediator will addresses important issues the divorcing couple should consider. This creates a safe and open environment for both spouses to share and negotiate with one another. Together, we can come to agreements in a mature, peaceful, and respectful way.

Furthermore, divorce mediation in Utah has several other benefits, which include:

  1. Divorce mediation is efficient
  2. Divorce mediation is faster than traditional court system
  3. Divorce mediation avoids and prevents conflict
  4. Divorce mediation diffuses hostility
  5. Divorce mediation is 100% confidential
  6. Divorce mediation improves communication
  7. Divorce mediation is less expensive than litigation

Divorce mediation can shift the emphasis from problems to solutions and hope. At Common Ground, it's our goal to help direct you and your family successfully into your new future. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.