Why Common Ground mediation is now divorceright.com

After Divorce


“I thought it would get easier to work with my ex spouse after the divorce. It’s worse! Will I ever be able to work with them so my children will be able to be ok?”

Parenting Coordinator Services.

Sometimes, it takes longer for people to heal after a divorce, and the resentment lingers. When there are children involved, this can mean that the divorced couple still needs to communicate. If the communication has deteriorated to a point where there is continued abusive texting or phone calls, bad-mouthing each other to friends, family, or even the children, then immediate intervention is necessary.

A parenting coordinator can act as the intermediary for all communication between the divorced couple. Both parties agree to specific ground rules and boundaries. The parenting coordinator will handle all issues between the parties, including parenting time, moral decisions regarding the children, and financial matters. Additionally, the parenting coordinator will coach each party on ways to improve their communication.

This approach helps ensure that the children's needs are prioritized and that interactions between the parents are constructive and respectful. If you are experiencing these challenges, consider working with a parenting coordinator to create a healthier environment for everyone involved.


“Great Marriages Are Not About Finding The Right Person. They Are About BEING The Right Person.”

Because problems often occur at odd hours or on weekends, the parenting coordinator remains available 24/7 via phone and text. This allows for real-time communication coaching and rapid resolution of issues. Most couples find that they need a parenting coordinator for no more than three months. The cost is $750 each for one month of service.

If you're still struggling with communication with your ex-spouse, this proven method can help improve communication and prevent further resentment and negativity. Don't wait any longer to get this issue under control. Your children deserve a healthier co-parenting environment.

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