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Reasons or Causes For Divorce


Reasons or Causes For Divorce

The reasons for divorce are as wide and as varied as the couples themselves. People get married for all kinds of reasons, although the main reason will be that they are in love. So naturally, people will assume that divorce comes because the love is no longer there. However, it is often so much more complicated than that. The couple does not just suddenly fall out of love. There are so many factors that will contribute to their breaking up that it is hard to explain it all in just one article. But here are some of the main reasons that couples decide to get a divorce.


Finances are one of the major reasons that people get a divorce. Trying to communicate with another person about how to spend the money and when to spend it can get anyone on edge. When there actually isn’t enough money to go around, the tension is even higher. When there isn’t enough money people will fight more and play the ‘blame game’, which just tries to make it the other person’s fault that there is no money. If people can just get some help, maybe take some finance classes, then they can save their marriage.


More than half of couples that get divorced say that they are getting divorced because of their spouse being unfaithful. This is a staggering number, considering the amount of divorces in this country. Trying to stay close as a couple and making sure that honesty and communication are valued might make a big difference to stop infidelity before it starts. However, it is understandable for a couple to not stay together if one spouse is no longer committed to the relationship.

No Equality

studies have shown that forty- four percent of couples get divorced because they feel like the relationship is not equal and fair. That fact alone was enough to make a lot of couple’s call it quits.

Married Too Early

A lot of marriages end because the couple says they were just married too young. They feel like their youth made them unprepared for what it meant to be married. They realize that they have grown up and changed and matured. That leads them to file for divorce. It is true that sometimes youth can lead to unrealistic expectations in marriage. It can also mean that the couple is just unprepared to handle what comes their way.

There are many reasons or causes for divorce. It is a good idea to seek a divorce mediators advice and guidance to avoid the process from becoming ugly. Please contact us at Common Ground Divorce Mediation for a Free Consultation.